DO's and DONT'S of Video Interviewing

DO's and DONT'S of Video Interviewing

Video interviewing is now the common practice in Recruitment.  Due to Covid, companies have turned to platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Skype and Google Meet to conduct their interviews with candidates. 

Over the last few years, video interviews have become more and more popular. In fact, according to various sources, the use of video interviewing has risen 49% since 2011.

With video being such a popular platform for interviews, it’s important that the candidates do the right things before, during, and after the video interview to really stand out.   We here at Workforce International use it to its full extent.  After having done numerous amounts of video interviews - some good and some very bad, we put together a list and video tutorial of our top do’s and don’ts for your next video interview. 

The DO’s

Dress Accordingly: 

Have a professional background

Test the platform before your call. 

Test your video and audio settings

Have a strong internet connection

Send a THANK YOU note


Avoid loud places.  Ensure that you are in a private space

Don’t move your camera. Keep it at eye level.

Do not turn off your camera.  Always keep it on.